Day 5: May 12
Friday May 12, 2023
10:17 pm PST
I started out senior project today in the mid-morning by feeding kittens at two different parks, an apartment complex, and near a local elementary school. Everything went smoothly until I ran out of water, so I had to go to the store and buy water gallons, extending the entire process by a significant amount since I couldn’t find my way to one of the parks for a while. I took a break for a bit, and then at 3:30 I drove to Fremont again to pick up the litter of kittens I’ve been taking care of and take them to their new foster home. The whole trip took so long because of traffic and I also ended up staying way longer than planned, but it was fun overall. I left Fremont and drove the kittens and the mom to San Jose, where a vet tech did a preliminary medical exam to screen for any lasting health complications. I then drove the kittens to a girl's house in Campbell who will be fostering them for the next four weeks. When I got there, I thought I would be dropping them off, but I ended up staying at her house for upwards of a couple of hours to help her get them settled and identify them. We ended up just playing with the kittens to socialize them which showed the progress in their health over the last few days. The day was very long and I didn’t get home until 9, but even so, I had a lot of fun and would rather be driving around than spending time in one place anyways since I’m getting to see a lot of different perspectives in similar situations with kitten fosters.
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