Day 8: May 16
Tuesday May 16, 2023
7:54 pm PST
In comparison to the past week or so, today was somewhat of a slower day for senior project. At the same time, my schedule definitely had an earlier start at about 7:30 am or so. There were four kittens in San Jose, two sets of siblings, who had an appointment to get fixed that needed transportation. The route to San Jose on a weekday morning during rush hour was definitely stressful because I wanted to make sure the kittens got to their surgery on time. It took me an hour or so to get to the foster’s house, which was around 30 minutes away with the exception of traffic. Once I picked up the kittens, I drove essentially all the way back home since the vet was in Palo Alto. After dropping them off for surgery, I went back home and focused on computer work for a couple of hours. Primarily, I browsed through local Reddit groups and PetFinder on behalf of Pink Paws so that when I create posts for adopting some of the foster cats, their locations would correspond and hopefully that is going to create higher interest in adopting these cats in the future. The surgeries for kittens from this morning were ready to be picked up at 2pm, so I stopped working on the Reddit post and drove over to PetsInNeed in Palo Alto. I met my mentor, Charlene, there and drove back to San Jose to bring the kittens home. While dropping them off with the husband of the woman who fosters those cats, I was surprised at the amount of energy the kittens seemed to have so soon after coming off of anesthesia. I enjoyed being able to pick up and drop off the kittens from the surgery, two of which I had met last week because I was able to see the process through.
Hours: 5
Total hours: 45
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