Day 9: May 17


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

9:04 pm PST

    In the mid-morning today I went to back one of my mentor’s colleague’s house, Devi, in Fremont. Immediately after walking in the door, I could see how much progress two of her foster kittens have made since the first time I saw them, at the beginning of last week. Originally, even just walking by their crates always caused at least one of them to hiss, and they were not nearly friendly enough to pet. But today, they were both running around in the living room and let me pick them each up. We wanted to try and take photos of them that can be used to promote their adoption when the time comes, especially because it’s looking like they’ll be able to be adopted sooner than later at the increasing rate of growth (physically and socially). I took a few photos of the girl kitten and attempted to take some of the boy, but he was too hyper and was not interested in staying still so I only got a couple that will have to probably be taken again. After that, I drove two kittens who Devi had been watching for a day or so after surgery, back to their owner in Newark. I drove back to Fremont, and we moved the other two foster kittens, both Siamese girls, into a smaller area than their other crate because they needed to be more accessible for people to interact with. Those kittens still need a bit of socialization before they are ready for adoption. We then moved the other two black kittens into the bigger crate, which is super tall and there’s room for them to run around in since they have gotten more comfortable and need more space now to run around. In between these tasks, I spent a lot of time with the four cats and trying to play with them to get them used to people. My day ended at around 8pm or so, which has usually been the case when I go to Fremont for the day during senior project since Devi has been swamped recently. I felt very productive yesterday and glad I could help Devi out and take some things off her plate.  

Hours: 9

Total hours: 54


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